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Superworm Moon: Time for Love and Peace

Spring Equinox

· photography design,moonlight photo,moonlight shot,superworm moon photo,love and peace
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Today is Superworm Moon day. It coincides with the Spring Equinox in the West. What are your plans for this day, which seems to be such a big day for the celestial bodies. Maybe today is a day for us celestial beings to go to the terrace and take pictures of the Superworm moon. Maybe today is the day to look at the moon, then close your eyes and connect to all those who are in awe of Nature and watching the moon at that moment. Just for that moment maybe we will all become one collective being. Maybe today is the day to look into the eyes of someone important in our lives and just be thankful for that moment under the Superworm Moon. Photo Emporium wishes you a Happy Superworm Moon Night : )

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